Why Winter Can Cause More Flare Ups

Why Winter Can Cause More Flare Ups

When that winter chill hits, those pesky eczema flare-ups just love to make an unwelcome appearance. Between the extreme temperature swings, moisture-zapping indoor heat, and bundling up in all the cozy (but so scratchy!) fabrics, your little one's skin doesn't stand a chance…

There are a few key reasons why eczema and dry skin conditions tend to flare up more during the winter months:

  1. Low Humidity - Cold winter air lacks moisture, leading to dry air both outdoors and indoors with heating systems running. This dry air saps moisture from the skin, disrupting its protective barrier and allowing irritants in more easily.
  2. Temperature Changes - Going from cold outdoor temperatures to overheated indoor environments and back again stresses the skin. Rapid temperature fluctuations can trigger eczema flare-ups.
  3. Scratchy Fabrics - We tend to bundle up in heavier, rougher fabrics like wool during winter. The friction and irritation from these fabrics against sensitive, dry skin can exacerbate itchiness and rashes.
  4. Hot Showers/Baths - It's so tempting to take long, steamy showers to get warm, but hot water strips the skin's natural oils, drying it out further.
  5. Lack of Vitamin D - With less sun exposure in winter, vitamin D levels drop. Vitamin D promotes skin health and has anti-inflammatory properties helpful for eczema.
  6. Increased Illnesses - The cold/flu season can mean more viral illnesses, which are common eczema triggers as they prompt the immune system's inflammatory response.

But don't fret - we've got reinforcements to hydrate and calm even the most stubborn winter eczema woes. Just a few routine adjustments to add some extra moisture and TLC can work pure magic. Here are some solutions to help curb the effects of winter on eczema flare-ups, based on the 5 reasons listed:

Use a Humidifier: Combat that dry indoor air by running a humidifier, especially in baby's room. Adding moisture back into the air helps prevent their skin from becoming parched.

Layer Breathable Fabrics: Avoid heavy, scratchy woollens directly against sensitive skin. Stick to soft cotton and layer lightweight pieces instead of thick sweaters. It’s tempting to put merino on their skin as it’s such a fantastic fabric, but it’s too irritating for sensitised skin.

Moisturise Like a Boss: Use Calm Balm on any angry patches, then slather Lotion Potion all-over, after every bath and throughout the day if needed. Noody is created to nourish, support and the protect the skin.

Lukewarm Water: As tempting as hot showers are, they'll only dry out delicate skin more. Keep bath temps lukewarm and limit soaking time. Lock the moisture in their skin by moisturising as soon as they get out of the bath, while their skin is still damp.

Get Some Sun: Vitamin D supplements or kid-friendly gummy vitamins can replenish those much-needed sunny reserves when outdoor time is limited.

Because pesky colds and flus can trigger the body’s inflammation, it’s a good idea to up the ante on your general wellness practices too! Like; vigilant hand-washing, ultra-nourishing foods, add extra supplements. The key is loading up on as much extra moisture as possible while minimising skin irritants and triggers. With a few simple adjustments, you can outsmart winter's drying effects!